Travel back in time to the 1960s and explore Beatlemania in two fully-resourced lessons.

As part of the Musical Contexts "Build Your Own KS3 Music Curriculum", Back in Time to Popular Music takes pupils back to the 1960s and the age of Rock Songs and The Beatles.

Each of the two fully-resourced lessons comes with a lesson plan, pupil worksheet (containing spaces for all activities and scores) and lesson presentation. Supporting media files in MP3 and WAV formats are also included separately.

The lessons use "Twist and Shout" by The Beatles as a case study and example of a typical 1960's Rock song. In lesson 1, pupils learn how chords and harmonic rhythm are used by performing the different chord patterns, based solely on primary chords. In lesson 2, pupils explore how a lead sheet can be used to create an ensemble performance of "Twist and Shout" with an awareness of the 1960's Rock genre.

Each lesson starts with an Intro Quiz/DOITNOW, with PIT STOP opportunities to review key learning and ends with an interactive multiple choice Exit Quiz. There are also Stretch and Challenge tasks for more able and GAT pupils.