The Musical Contexts Secondary/KS3 Year 8 Units Quiz Bundle contains 10 unit-specific quizzes to support the Musical Contexts Fully-Resourced Secondary/KS3 Music Curriculum Year 8 units from the '99 Zone':
- Hooks and Riffs
- Offbeat
- Variations
- All That Jazz
- All About the Bass
- Saharan Sounds
Each quiz is self-marking and worth 25 points and can be set via Google Classroom.
The quizzes all cover Knowledge and Understanding from the Year 8 units and have a Critical Engagement: Listening and Appraising section at the end with links to YouTube videos.
Secondary/KS3 Year 8 Units Quiz Bundle (Google Forms)
- Quiz 1 - Hooks and Riffs (Exploring Repeated Musical Patterns)
- Quiz 2 - Offbeat (Exploring Reggae and Syncopation)
- Quiz 3 & 4 - Variations (Exploring ways to develop Musical Ideas)
- Quiz 5, 6 & 7 - All That Jazz (Exploring Jazz and The Blues)
- Quiz 8 & 9 - All About the Bass (Exploring Bass Clef Reading and Notation and Bass Line Musical Patterns )
- Quiz 10 - Saharan Sounds (Exploring Textures and Rhythms)